GB/T 24153-2009 Translated English of Chinese Standard (GBT 24153-2009, GB/T24153-2009, GBT24153-2009): Rubber and Elastomer Materials - Determination of N-nitrosaminess [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"]This Standard specifies adopting gas chromatography - mass selective detector (GCMSD) to determine 12 types of N-nitrosamines (see Appendix A) contents in the rubber and elastomer. This Standard is applicable to the rubber, elastomer materials and their products. |
3 | |
Scope | 4 |
Apparatus | 5 |
Result calculation | 7 |
Appendix A Normative 12 Types of NNitrosamines Names and their GCMS Selective Quantitative Ions | 9 |
Ion Flow Diagram | 10 |